Solar Eclipse, New Moon, the Third day

A new moon arrived at 12:12am this morning following a vary rare hybrid solar eclipse. Some people viewing the eclipse observed the sun completely covered in shadow, while others witnessed only a partial eclipse. This in some ways symbolizes the lessons of the moon cycle and eclipse season we have just entered; we each have our own perspective, story, or truth which seeps into how we relate with others. There are themes of in- and inter-depedence or freedom and surrender woven in given the Aries and Libra energies around and the pull between the sun and moon. April 22nd, is a very auspicious day according to the Vedics; it is Akshaya Tritiya or the never diminishing third lunar day, when the sun and moon are in their most exalted state. It is believed that spiritual practices offer increased benefit, things given away will be returned, and new practical beginnings of all kinds are blessed on this day. Given the position of the planets, the coming month(s) are those where intentional action is key and those ideas we seeded can be planted, just as the we witness the seedlings sprouting around us this Spring!