August’s new moon…

The new moon greeted us at dawn and while still in Cancer - a water sign- she is right on the cusp of entering Leo, a firey sign- according to the vedics. When fire and water meet there’s energy- which can create steam, tension, transformation- and might be a bit of grit and grace built along the way.

Amidst all of the energy around us, the Vedic guides us to balance that with simple practices. What does simple self-care look like? Staying hydrated, eating simple nourishing, cooling foods (what’s coming out of the garden- cucumbers and peaches to name a few!). Maybe connecting with basic mindfulness practices- whether that’s movement-walking, gardening, or yoga asana- or those that ask us to be still- seated meditation, pranayama (Breathing practices), or practicing silence.It is also a great time to offer seva- selfless acts of service- simply giving of your time- can allow us to feel more grounded and connected.

Wishing you simplicity and ease the next lunar cycle!