SUNDAY | AUGUST 04, 2024

The New Moon takes peaks at 7:12am, in Cancer and Ashlesha Nakshatra according to the vedics. Symbolized as a coiled serpent, the lunar mansion of Ashlesha Nakshatra is a severe and deeply profound nakshatra. The serpent reminds us to be aware of those things that are venomous and mesmerizing (or manipulative) and it sits in the 8th house of extremes- so we may see these energies around the end of a cycle or chapter, addictions, boundaries, enemies, and sudden reversals. They can be balance by serpent-like positive qualities. As an influence that taps into primordial life-force and instincts over mental constructs, cultural conditioning, and ideologies, Ashlesha Nakshatra can encourage insight, intuition, free thinking, and a stronger sense of individuality. It can allow for a radical approach that comes from a finely tuned awareness of the movement of energy. Mercury’s retrogression also begins and as things align can allow us to focus on that which requires re-vision, -view, or -structuring that allows us to see things in a new way this lunar cycle!