Seizing the season of abundant wild medicines!


Each year awe strikes with the incredible abundance that nature offers each Spring.

The amazing array of medicinal and edible plants (that many refer to as ‘weeds’) and brilliant pops of color- whether it’s the ‘neon green’ young tree leaves, , deep fuscia red buds, or brilliant violet from its namesake

Taking in the color and abundance is just the beginning. Realizing these medicines and edibles show up just at they are needed. After as season during which we may have slowed down from our pace or eating more rich and heavy food a variety of plants show up- dandelion, red bud chickweed, and violet- to re-awaken and clear out any lingering sluggishness and stagnation.

Ayurveda tells us that earth and water are prominent in the spring and we’re working to build warmth or fire, which translated into a focus on immunity, kidneys, liver and digestion

Read on to learn a bit about wild medicines that support us this season and some fun recipes by fellow herbalists and foragers!



Taraxacum officinale

Flower, leaves and roots can all be enjoyed and it is easy to identify once flowering. The leaf has an affinity for the kidney and the root for the liver- helping to reawaken and flush these organs that help with everything from healthy circulation to processing our foods that can even be noticed with clearer, more vibrant skin.

We love to blanch the greens with bit of garlic or onion (or just add them fresh to a salad) and you can make the meal complete with a by using the flowers to make a lime-dandelion tea. While the recipe calls for an iced tea, Ayurveda guides us to keep our drinks room temperature or warmer this time of year, so why not try it warm now and iced come summer?

common chickweed cpt Amy Lewis.jpeg

Common Chickweed

Stellaria Media

Similar to dandelion, chickweed works with the kidneys and liver— again its effectiveness can be seen with clearer skin and felt in helping relieve stiff joint where inflammation or wastes have built up.

Chickweed pesto is one of our favorites- make it to enjoy this season or to freeze to enjoy later!


Wild Violet

Viola sororia

Its medicines are numerous - one way it can really can serve us this season is by moving lymph- key to our immunity and energy levels- and releasing that which isn’t serving our wellbeing, so we can move into Spring with lightness and clarity!

Wild violet vinegar is great to top salads or make shrubs this season!

Notes on foraging..

A few things to bear in mind…

Be sure you know what you are foraging- plant identification is key!

Know where you’re harvesting— have there been dogs meandering or fertilizers or sprays used in the area?

Give thanks and/or an offering before picking these wild medicines.

No need to harvest more than you can use and not more than 1/10 of a what nature has provided so that these plants come back again and again!

Jennifer Mintz