Fatigued? Depleted? Find the nearest wall
Both Eastern and Western scientists are arriving at the same conclusion…
Vedic astrology tells us that this New Moon could be a time where we experience exhaustion. Psychology describes it as ‘moral fatigue’ as we the weight of seemingly simple decisions can weigh on us more as we think about how they will affect others.
Whatever it may be - we can let go of that weight and allow our body some time to restore by traveling to the nearest wall, couch, or bed and clear the floor next to it and take a seat.
Allow one hip to find it’s way toward the wall, couch, or bed, so that you’re looking along the wall rather than at it.
Find the support of the hand and forearm that is furthest away from the wall to help you gently roll on to your back, as your knees bend toward your chest and the feet begin to walk up the wall. At this point there may be some adjusting of the hips further away from or closer to the wall to find a place where the legs can comfortably rest up the wall (yes picuter an inch worm)
You’ve just landed in Vipariti karani (or legs up the wall pose)
*This shape is not recommended for those with glaucoma, detached retina or any other condition causing pressure in the eye, hiatal hernias, or heart conditions or uncontrolled high blood pressure
A few things to explore:
If theres is any stress or strain on the low back you can fold a blanket or small pillow so that is is anywhere from and 1”-5” thick and allow your low back and sacrum to be supported.
If extending the legs up the wall isn’t available or is causing discomfort the couch is a nice option as the legs can bend at the knee and rest on what would normally be the seat of the couch.
If you find that there is a lot of effort in the legs, you can wrap a strap or scarf around the thighs to lessen the exertion
If it is comfortable you may place an eye pillow or folded pillow case over the eyes
A beautiful breath practice to accompany this is Sama vritti or equal breath; Allow yourself to observe your breath in and out and then allow the exhale to last for a count of four and the inhale to do the same (or find the count that feel full but easy- easeFUL.
Watch the breath and watch the minutes go by
This shape and breath both calm and rejuvenate… ENJOY !!!