january’s new moon…

The first new moon of the new year is in Sagittarius in Poorva Ashadha Nakshatra, according to the Vedics. This Nakshatra is symbolized as the winnowing basket which helps separate the husk from the seed when reaping a harvest of grain. We may be doing some sifting or discerning in our lives this moon cycle and want to be mindful of becoming removed from being present experience.

Because the moon is accompanied by the Sun, Mars, and Mercury in the mansion this next lunar cycle will carry a sense of reaching for the highest, or idealism. Can we reach high but keep our feet on the ground?

A practice that may serve this moon cycle is embodied journaling:

👣 Find a comfortable seat that allows both feet to touch the ground

👣 Allowing yourself to become grounded by simply feeling both feet on the earth

👣 Pressing one foot into the earth and then the other, repeatedly, as though walking- heel to toe- the middle and upper body may follow as well

👣 Eventually coming back to center with both feet rooted evenly on the earth, take a deep breath, and let the pen find the paper.

Some things to ponder...

Who or what brings value or substance to my life?

Who or what feels true or authentic?

What to keep and what to let go of?

What to cultivate or not give energy to?

Wishing you groundedness and clarity this new moon cycle.