June’s new moon…
The new moon for June 2021 occurs on June 10th at 6:52 am. This new moon coincides with an annual solar eclipse that appears as the moon surrounded by a blazing ring of fire, if you happen to be in the ideal path of the eclipse throughout northern Canada, Greenland and Russia, but will also be partially visible throughout Europe and the US. This period offers a window of opportunity for transformation and the atmosphere may be quite sensitive around the time of the eclipse itself.
During this time, spiritual practices and things done with intention may be amplified. Take this time to do some meditation, yoga, gardening, or whatever it is that you do to “get in the zone” and be mindful of your actions as the energy cultivated may echo further than normal. This may not be the best time for making really big, life-changing decisions. Take this time to find peace and tranquility and let those decisions wait. If you are forced to make some big choices, make sure you have all the data and facts before you do. Set yourself up for success as best as you can.
This is a time to proceed with particular caution as the “shadow covers the light.” Some could find themselves in a state of confusion or may find obstructions or obstacles in your way. Mercury’s retrograde nature adds a possible feeling of instability and you may find some of your projects or intentions stalled. Although these setbacks may be significant, don’t worry, they are temporary.
As many a wise person has said before, this too shall pass…