No longer and not yet
“Honor the space between no longer and not yet.” ~Nancy Levin
I’ve shared these words while guiding others in a yoga practice. For me this translates into moving intentionally in transition. When guided by others I’ve done my best to set an authentic intention and do the same when invited to transition gracefully between poses in practice.
Oddly enough this practice of being present and graceful in transition becomes most clear to me as the seasons begin to shift.
Do you experience it too? Start missing summer [or, let’s be honest, insert any other array of nouns here] before it’s left or gone. Or wishing Fall was here as soon as you get a small taste of the cooler air? a.k.a wishing you had something that is out of your control.
Well this is where the yogic text begins. In the very first of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali states:
Atha Yoganushasanam
Often translated to “Now, the teachings of Yoga” But if we break it down “Atha” can be “now,” or “this moment,” or “right here.” “Anusasanam “translates to “the teachings,” or “the pathway.”
Some translations would say “Exactly as you are, in this moment, is where the teachings of yoga exist.
So can we be present be content in the transition, in the no longer summer and not yet Fall?
Because yet another translation of this sutra would read… “Right now we have everything, this moment is full.”