Permie Winter Preview

Over the last year or two, we’ve discussed a lot of good ways to use the winter months to ensure that you get off to a good start next spring. As winter approaches this year, we’d love to remind everyone of a couple of those things and maybe inspire some ideas by letting you know what we are up to.

Early winter is the ideal time for observing your property and planning for next year. The leaves have fallen and you can see a lot of the landscape that was hidden until recently. Do you see patterns as we get our winter rains and when the freezes come? Are there places where there is ice or that tends to hold that morning frost a bit longer? Understanding how the water works naturally on your property is essential and it will save you labor and energy to plan your space based on existing natural patterns.

Another good winter activity is building. We all have ideas throughout the year of improvements that we’d like to make and new additions we would love to bring to reality. Use some of the time you have over the winter to make at least one or two of those big projects real. While it can be chilly, throwing on some layers can allow for some really pleasant time outside to create.

Let’s also not forget perhaps the most important winter activity, cooking. Make sure you spend some time being creative with and enjoying the bounties of last year’s efforts. If you don’t have a ton of stuff, trust that your efforts will build over time, experiment with new things and maybe it will inspire some ideas of what you can grow in your own space. 

Here at In True Nature there has been a lot going on. With the completion of our wellness space, we have a bit more time to spend giving back to our land. This winter we are looking to complete three new additions to our space, a wood hutch, chicken coop, and the completion of our kitchen garden space. We will also be doing plenty of experimenting in our kitchen as well with herbal and savory treats.

Embrace the break-up to the normal routine and enjoy the new perspective that winter brings. Let us know what your projects are as well so we can all work to inspire each other!